Very loose and agressive home game 1/2 NL 10 handed.
I am the SB with
I have about $250 to start the hand. MP opens for $15, he is a good LAG plays a lot of hands and beats the game consistantly , 3 callers to me and I can already seen the BB with chips in his hand to call. I call
$75 pot. Flop is
. I start the hand with $200, PFR has me covered. I check thinking that PFR is going to bet and I am going to CR all in. He thinks I'm a nit and I would probably put me on a set and would probably fold AA or KK. Instead BB who has $110 left bets out $50. PFR thinks about it and fold. I CR all in but at this point I know I'm going to get called, since he only has $65 left and the pot is really big.
Anyone think a lead is better here? Lead AI?