havent read the other replies yet but...
1. yep
2. looks like he floated the flop knowing you prolly hated that flop - raise or call? i dont think hes got kk or aa cuz he ddint re-raise knowing that those limpers could hop on in easy if he just called so hes got like a med/low pp or ak,aq, or sc. if his sc hit, he prolly would check hoping for a a,k, or q that that would hit you. so he is prolly floating. if he had a set hed prolly wanna see the turn cheap cuz he scared of that flop cuz hes dumb. lol.. raise like 2.5x his. if hes got the goods you get out with some cloths still on, but hes gotta fold his overs or will want a cheap showdown with most pp's.