Villain is a 17/13 multi-tabling TAG. His total AF is 5.44, 7.25 on the flop after ~500 hands. My notes on him were "picks good spots to 3-bet; c/r flop w/ mid pair, gave up when called." I'm running about 27/17 while the table has been full. I've also raised every other hand the last two orbits. He's at another one of my tables but we haven't tangled past the flop yet.
Three folds to me and I make it $3 OTB with . Loose SB calls as does Villain in the BB. Villain starts with $130 and I cover.
Flop ($9)
Check, check, I make it a standard $6.50, SB folds, Villain makes it $20 to go.
My play?