PLO $50 at Partypoker. I am playing 4 tables and have PTO and PAHUD running. In total I am up a few buyins and playing pretty well.
Villain #1 (Fish) is running at 93/2. He's very passive but did check/raise all-in with bottom set once on a ragged flop and got busted by top set. I played a hand against him before that stood out:
I have AAKJs in the BB and check it, we're only 3 to the flop. I flop the nut flush draw on a Q85 board and pot it, Fish calls. Turn brings the flush and he calls another PSB, river pairs the Q and he calls again and drags with the bottom full. So this time he only called on the flop/turn/river with bottom set/full. I assume he figured out that bottom set < nuts.
He's obviously playing pretty much anything preflop and he seems to want to chase down most if not all draws. He build his stack now by chasing a double gutshot on a 2-suit board heads up and getting paid off on the river (he bet his non-nut straight after opponent checked and the board was paired, it was pretty obvious he had the best hand though). He seems pretty "honest". Oh, and he's German.
Villain #2 (TAG) is the preflop raiser, he doesn't play a big part but he's *very* tight (vpip 18) but raises a *lot* of hands (pfr: 11) preflop so just because he's tight and raises doesn't mean he has aces.
My table image:
I play somewhat tighter than average (30) and don't raise too much (5) preflop but I do tend to bet pretty often post flop, but often fold to real aggression. Basically I am stealing a bit in LP and betting my draws pretty religiously in the rare shorthanded pots. Aggression factor is close to 3/2/1
The Hand:
I've got
in middle position, Fish is immediatly on my right and TAG is a few seats behind him. I start out with $121, fish has me covered and most others have about a full buyin.
Two EP limpers to me and I limp behind.
If the hand was suited I would often raise it, pretty much always from LP, but I don't think it's a real premium hand when it is rainbow although I will of course play it from any position for a limp.
Fish limps of course as does another player, then TAG raises to $3.50
Blinds and one EP limper folds but the other one calls. I call which of course means both players between me and the raiser calls as well.
I think this hand is worth calling with, it's not a real premium hand but all the cards work together and you will be hitting to the nuts with any straights
Flop comes:
and has $18 in it.
EP limper checks and I pot it. Fish calls and everyone else folds.
I figured I had to bet here. TAG will raise me if he has AA (maybe with TT too) and I can muck it knowing I am beaten, but I really don't think I can risk a free card here and the TAG is unlikely to make a continuation bet in a 5-way pot. When the fish calls I figure him for A8, 88 or a straight draw.
Turn comes:
and pot is at $54
I think for a long time and check, Fish thinks for a while and checks behind.
I checked intending to fold to a PSB here. I don't feel sure my top two is the best hand and if I bet I will committ my whole stack pretty much. If I am behind to 88 I have a lot of live outs and may get a free card but I am 100% sure he will not fold a hand that beats me (ie: bottom set). Of course the heart draw that appeared is a bit worrysome but my opponent seems very predictable so far so I should be able to outplay him on the river (ie: extract if ahead and get away if behind).
River comes:
I think for a while and then make a block bet of $10.50 into the $54 pot. He thinks for a while and then makes it $46.50.
Should I call or should I fold? I have my reasoning pretty clear but I'll leave that out for now. I think there's a lot of information to base the decisions on. I'm interested in feedback on all streets, not just the river.