Zmej, do you think the increased fold equity of calling and shoving river offsets the chance you give him to outdraw you?
This is really tough but I'm gonna try to figure it out. I am assuming hero folds when he checks a non-J river and villian shoves.
Drawing Hands (Overcards):
Situation #1: Opponent has AK or AQ (no diamond). CRAI on the turn gets him to fold without letting him outdraw you, which will happen 4/46 times (assuming you can blast him off a the river when a
[Kd] or [Ad} hits. 4/46 x $120 is about $10, so you save on average $15 by this play when compared to calling, assuming he won't bluff you off the hand on the river. 2/6 timesSo in this situation, EV of CRAI = +$94, EV of calling with intention to bluff = +$84, EV of folding = +$0. [assuming bluff works]
Situation #2: Opponent has AK or AQ with one diamond. He will hit a non-diamond A or K 5/46 times which will result in him winning the pot. As said above, If river comes A, K, or Q of diamond, you may be able to blast him off the hand in a bluff (probably for the K and Q, maybe the A). EV of CRAI= $94, EV of calling with intetion to bluff +$82, EV of folding =+$0 (assuming bluff works).
Situation #3: Opponent has
[Kd] or
[Qd]. CRAI on the flop is obviously ideal here, as our bluff on the river will never push out a hand we beat. River bluffing is obvoiusly bad here and a CRAI on the turn or even a check/fold on a diamond river preferred.
Ok, so for overcards, a CRAI on the turn is the most preferred in every situation, though not very much EV is lost using Zmej's bluffing range. The problem with the CRAI is I think you're not getting AA, KK, TT, or 99 to fold on the turn almost ever, and I imagine even QQ calls a lot. So all that EV is lost by the times you get stacked by on the turn. So looking at that, I would say a CRAI on the turn is probably your worst option. You then have to assess how likely you think it is that he's packing, and how likely you can push him off on the river when you bluff (you'll get to bluff with Zmej's range about 1/3 the time). To be honest, without a read I would probably just drop it, but if you think he's capable of both double barreling weakly here and folding an overpair, then Zmej's line is probably best.
The better player should win the race. Always.