Well, I had a huge chip lead when we got down to 4 handed. Had the lead when we got heads up, but I could not get it done.
This was the hand that really ended it. I have two shots at a bazillion outs.
In any case, I need to stop playing this tourney. Although in the last 4 nights, with fields between 160-220, I have a 17th, a 4th, a 10th, and a 2nd.
Too much time.
I am going to pick out 2-3 mtts each weekend and play them, and just play a sng or two during the week.
I need to get training for this bike ride.
[23:42] Mekos King: and lookin bck on it all
[23:42] Mekos King: I FEEL RICH JEWISH GUILT
<spank_her_pair> whats everyone up 2?
<stickdude> watching Pok's AA get stomped on by Jus's AK
<PocketSevens> For those who missed it there's proof that when you eat a lot of fish you turn into one