by Zwheito » Wed May 16, 2007 7:19 am
Surly I was awere that one of his cards had to be a Q, so yes, I did mean that the other card could be anything from 2 to A.
I don't see how my post is wrong. I just gave examples of how you were doing against two different, and imho, relevant handranges.
You just assumed a different handrange (which is probably more accurate since you knew the player)
Even with the range you assume the call is only barely -EV:
equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 35.112% 34.49% 00.63% 41334604 750516.50 { Th8h }
Hand 1: 64.888% 64.26% 00.63% 77025643 750516.50 { QQ, AQs, KQs, Q9s+, AQo, KQo, QTo+ }
If this range is accurate the call cost you about 3.5 $ making this call. That's a small price to pay for the image it generates.
I guess I agree with you; the call was good, but I don't think my previous post was wrong. It just assumed different ranges.