Played Sunday Night Poker again... One of the guys says he wants to host a midweek game, which would be tight, I hate being the bank. +160 for the effort.
Cash Game Count :2
Total Won/Lost :$240
Total Hours :5h 30m
Average / Hour :$43.64
Wins :2
Losses :0
Std. Dev. (Amount) :$40
Dwight didn't show up
he puts poker in the same category as shooting dice and plays to get lucky a lot more than luck can sustain. I did invite both Mikeses es es, well two guys named Mike, they both left sad... one Mike I really like, the other I have to work with every day and he is going to have to do a 180 to get up to speed. I figure if I can get Mike to play every week, I should be able to extract about 1/3 of his paycheck, with out hime feeling it.