So I'm sitting w/ 12er at TI, donking around at the 1/3 $500 max game... Bunch of awful players... A few who were in the ME, but they must either be great donkament players and awful cash game players or rich or what, but they mostly suck at the cash games... They're also decently aggressive...
I'm catching ZERO cards, as is the usual when 12er is there... So finally I get bored and decide to limp the next hand no matter what it is... I'm fucking bored...
3 players limp to me, I limp in MP w/ XX... One or two after me, blinds check...
Checks to me ($375), I lead $15, ME semi aggrodonk ($450) raises to $45 REALLY quickly... Folds back around to me...
What's my play if I have ...