by NorthView » Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:00 pm
How many times have I either been all in or against an all in player, and how many of those have I won?
select distinct sum(gp.won_hand) as num_hands_won, count(gp.*) as num_hands
from game g
inner join game_players gp
on gp.game_id = g.game_id
inner join prefs pr
on pr.pref_value = gp.player_id
and pr.pref_key = 'RP'
inner join game_players gp2
on gp2.game_id = g.game_id
inner join players p
on p.player_id = gp.player_id
inner join players p2
on p2.player_id = gp2.player_id
where p2.player_id != gp.player_id
and (gp.pre_flop_bet + gp.flop_bet + gp.turn_bet + gp.river_bet >= gp.chip_count
or gp2.pre_flop_bet + gp2.flop_bet + gp2.turn_bet + gp2.river_bet >= gp2.chip_count)
and gp2.went_to_showdown_n = 1
and gp.went_to_showdown_n = 1
Mon May 12, 2008 1:46 am
When I play a patient and relaxed game I win - that simple.
Mon May 12, 2008 10:55 pm
Seriously, fuck poker.
[21:03] NorthViewBTP: mac is a fellow mexican
[21:03] Mekosking: yup
[21:03] NorthViewBTP: you should support your bro
[21:03] Mekosking: therefore hes a fat worthless tsr obv