by Zuccala » Sun Aug 19, 2007 2:32 pm
It is so bad becase we just said " I have AA or KK" with that raise when it IS ALREADY HEADS UP. If there was a few callers then fine. Now on this flop (that is only Q high) even if the villan hits his TP/TK or TP/GK he is going to be very cautious and if he misses he will fold to our CB altogether. If we just called he would have no reason to think we have an overpair to the board. This way we can C/R the flop and have a VERY good chance of getting his stack as he was not alerted to our strength. Yes it is gonna be -EV for him to call PF. But I am giving up on that small edge EV wise I have on him PF, to push my MUCH larger edge on the flop.
2008 Goals:
1. Make $40K by year end.
2. Play at least 100hrs a month.
3. Read 5-10 new Poker Books w/ notes.
4. Become regular at $2/$4 FR
5. Try some $5/$10 FR
6. Work on Game non-stop.