by rdale » Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:18 am
Two cash games ago I posted a loss.... last game posted a win.
Total Won/Lost :$1,103
Average / Hour :$27.63
Wins :9
Losses :3
Std. Dev. (Amount) :$110
I'm pretty happy with my 66% win rate, as most times I've lost it has been less than half a buy in and the times I've won have been pretty decent. I'm pretty close, like with in $200 of having won enough to pay for vacation this rotation.
I'm not playing the cash game tonight in hopes that I wake my ass up and go surfing tomorrow and if not definitely friday. Well and if not then hopefully before I leave, if I get someone to train for my aloha week.Truth be told I can't work a full day, play cards, sleep and get off the ship. Something always has to give.