After looking over some of the stats on here lately I apparently have some issues somewhere. I left out the results as far as WR not to skew any thoughts, but I'm winning and doing okay. However I'm sure there's definately more $ to be made. (For anyone who might not know I decided to give a run at NL around the end of Aug).
My stats to me seem sub-optimal for SHNL. I'm a nit first of all and when I try getting a higher VPIP for whatever reason it becomes an abortion. Something somewhere is going awry post flop. In a skypecast Roy mentioned a Cbet frequence around 60% to be about optimal... I'm pretty damn close the that.
I know I don't steal anywhere near enough and it seems like when I try upping it in certain sessions I'm usually getting called PF and on my Cbets. Perhaps a coincidence but I don't know.
My Won$WSF however sucks, I don't know what needs to be done to increase this number.
Stats here include: NL10, NL20, NL50, and a few K hands at NL100.... NL50 probably makes up at least half of the hands though. There's a few K that have been left out over the last week or so which is where my rollercoaster sessions have been with me trying to change my game a bit. When I play nit mode things are usually peachy once I start "experimenting" with basically anything other than my usualy routine it tends to quickly unravel into the equivalant of a frog in a blender.
Also I've gotten my WTSD down a bit over the last week or 2 to where I'm right around 25%. I'm guessing if my W$WSF were in the 40's it would possibly drop that number down a bit as well?
All info, suggestions, comments, thoughts, etc welcomed and appreciated.