It's not even a close question: YES.
Statistically speaking, with huge populations, it's going to APPEAR that some people are forever unlucky and some are forever lucky.
However, that's only true looking can't use prior rare events to predict the outcome of future events. So, if you flip a coin 10 times, it's very unlikely that it will be heads 10 times in a row...flip it 10000000 times, and it's very unlikely that it WON'T be heads 10 times in a row...In the grand scheme, there have to be some that are way unluckier than the mean, and some that are way luckier - and since the sample size is so large, they'll be lucky/unlucky for what seems to be highly improbably long periods of time BUT, given the huge sample, it's likely for such people to exist. However, just because AlexMR is one of these unlucky ones, doesn't mean he will ALWAYS be unlucky (lol, yes he will)