by shamdonk » Fri Feb 22, 2008 12:14 am
Do people run really good over large samples, like beyond fathomable expectation? Yes.
Do people run bad over large samples? Yes.
If you don't believe it think of regulars in your game that you think have no possiblity of winning; then you find out they are, thus you think "fuck how does this guy win money?"
Conversely, 20 buck spin on stars who is considered to be the best 5/10 player has had "53 last year, also started off 2008 with a 42 buyin downer at 5/10. plenty in the 25-35 range."
Be glad your opponents refuse to fold; if they didn't, you just might go broke.
(9:00:09 PM) GodlikeRoy: i think you could prolly post total shit for the next 2 years aaaaand like 192 days and you'll still be considered 'posting good' cause of your threads that'll never be seen thread