1) My first hand at the table. I have 8[d] 7[c] in the BB. Villain is UTG and he is a super rock at 15/5. I literally have 45 thousand hands datamined on him so that's a pretty firm read.
Flop ($9) 4[h] 5[h] 6[s]. There are 4 people in the hand so I just fire away betting $8.
Villain now raises to $28. All others fold.
What's our line and what's his hand range?
2) Different villain who is also rockish. He's in the 15/12 category. All full stacks.
I have Q[d] Q[h] OTB.
UTG donk min opens to $4. 2 callers and Villain calls in CO.
I repop to $16 . All of them call in classic Cake fashion.
Flop ($64). 7[s] 4[s] 2[d]. UTG moron leads $6, all folds.
Villain flat calls.
What is Villain's hand range and our play?