by RedBarracuda » Tue Mar 04, 2008 11:29 am
I am sure it's just stubbornness, because the more hands you play at the level the harder it will get to get the WR up to some number due to your need to run better/hotter for longer stretches then necessary. Besides, you might like the higher level much more and actually crush it in comparison to what you did on the lower level.
I say, take a stab or at the very least, play one table of NL100 as a complement to your other NL50 tables...
(6:35:48 PM) giantgrwth: I once beat up an attempted murderer, 25% true story
(6:35:59 PM) hard2tel45s: boxing?
(6:36:06 PM) giantgrwth: Yea
(6:36:14 PM) hard2tel45s: sweet
(6:36:30 PM) giantgrwth: He was my best friend too, lol
(6:36:48 PM) hard2tel45s: well u were in the crazy bin bro