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Moderators: TightWad, LPF Police Department

Postby EscapePlan9 » Tue Mar 18, 2008 9:06 pm

A little trip report:

1st game was on Heartwood. Never seen the map before. I couldn't find my natural expo so I expanded to the base WAY on the other side of the map. I also didn't realize there were two entrances to my base until a bit late. And yea, I had no detection up while he walked on through with lurkers :(

2nd game was on Heartwood again. Now that I know the map better, I decide another dumb strat vs zerg was necessary. I quickly tech up to factory and expo at my natural (found it!), but he speedling rushes me. I have like 20 scvs, 5 rines, and 1 tank. :( gg

3rd game bdon joined in. FFA at LT. So I decide I'm totally gonna tank drop someone's ass this game. Bdon DT drops me the instant I was sending my dropship of tanks to his base, so I have to pull my dropship back to defend. Bastard! And kent is just like letting us kill each other (thx). After that I do some gayness with cliffing the lower-right corner of bdon's base and dropping some tanks on top too. I completely forget that k3nt was playing and am still going all tanks and dropships pretty much. After the failed drop attempt, I start to realize I need to catch up, cuz I saw Kent already expanded twice.

So I start up my expo and still play like I'm only going against bdon here. I go tank crazy and drop K3nts nat. He has a dozen mutalisks waiting for me :( and I have like no air. So I'm frantically building medics, rines, turrets, and trying to get an armory up for goliaths, but it's too late. K3nt stops over my ground forces and I'm a sad panda :(

4th game was a 3-player map called Longinus. I didn't remember where any of the starting locations were and just wandered around scouting. It wasn't too tough to figure out. I was chatting about knowing how to speak japanese and french and shit... and I'm starting to realize all I've built is SCVs and depots. My minerals are at like 350 so I'm like fuggit I'll just expo at 400. So I do a NO BARRACKS expo - ballsy as hell and retarded. hahaha

bdon comes in with like 6 zlots and my barracks are just being finished building. Needless to say, I am completely undefended. HATE U GUYS! Gotta play safer around these rushers :) they keep scouting my early expos / early tech and rush on in. WTF MATE NR20 RITE? So I brilliantly wall off the entrance to my main by landing my two barracks next to each other. However, zealots, zerglings, and marines can walk through. I was just hoping he wouldn't realize his zealots could run through and go away :( bastard!

So I'm like totally fucked and just lifting all my buildings to a random location (didn't know where the expos were). I find a mineral only expo sorta tucked around the corner of my main and take it for now. And I stupidly land my factories in plain sight of Kent who I see has like a dozen mutas. I start building like 7 turrets at my remaining base trying to hold on for dear life. Amazingly Kent doesn't notice my little base and leaves me be.

I think around this time Kent was attacking Bdon. I missed out on the bloodbath there but from what I heard it involved storming a shitload of hydralisks :) BEAUTIFUL! At this time I'm taking back my main and my natural expo to try to regain my ground. I start feeling relieved that no one is bothering me. I comsat their bases and say "sup" to both of them.

I build like 8 rax and 8 starports. I decide to start off with crazy defenses at all my bases (bunker w/4rines and like 7 turrets per base lol). I get up two armories and start upgrading all my ship weapons, deciding I'm gonna fuck 'em up with some mass cloaked wraiths noobishness. I comsat them again to see whatsup and I see Kent doing like an all-in attack on poor Bdon, so I take out one of Kents expos in the meanwhile. I also take out like 12 overlords and a dozen drones :)

I find another expo - and this one had two gas at it! So I'm reaping in a crap load of money, have two SCVs constantly building depots, constantly upgrading and building a ridiculous amount of wraiths. Kent starts going all anti-air so I stop the wraith production and concentrate all my gas on BCs, and all my minerals on massive amounts of marines. I just send in wave after wave to his expos and my supply is maxed out. I have all my buildings queued up with my resources so the moment I lose armies, I'm rebuilding. He tries to counter attack but I'm decently defended and my units are still coming out.

After wiping out like 3 of his expos he's like "I can't do this anymore" and ggs! Oh yea, and bdon was out earlier, we spared him some buildings and vis'd him though so he could see the onslaught.
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Postby k3nt » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:11 am

Working together may not be our strong point. :)
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Postby GodlikeRoy » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:50 am

Poker is silly.

It is not enough to be good at chess, you must also play well.

Somewhere in the world someone is training when you are not. When you race him, he will win.

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Postby EscapePlan9 » Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:35 pm

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Postby EscapePlan9 » Wed Mar 19, 2008 3:32 pm

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Postby Bosox1 » Wed Mar 19, 2008 9:27 pm

I'll be in next time you guys want to do this.
"No, 'The stripper's bouncer beat the shit out of me' is not an acceptable answer"
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Postby EscapePlan9 » Wed Mar 19, 2008 10:35 pm

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Postby Bosox1 » Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:46 am

"No, 'The stripper's bouncer beat the shit out of me' is not an acceptable answer"
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