by johnnie_naked » Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:57 am
So you bet pot and he calls and a flush card comes on the turn and you double barrel (see my NL50 post where chuck advocated this) and then you check call a blank river and lose.
Im not saying dont bet but Im saying keep your eyes open because the game is extremely loose and you could fall monstrously behind and lose large pots with marginal hands like TPTK.
If the board is safe then value bet all three streets but being too aggressive at this level is fucking suicide. Your entire bankroll will disappear if youre too aggressive or if you try and get these guys to fold.
Playing like a nit is the way to get the money at these levels. Im talking super tight, top 10%, play from position, C bet on dry boards, play weak in multiway pots with air because you are almost always behind and stand to bloat a pot cause they arent folding, nut peddle, etc. 2 pair is usually good.
Check raises are from what I have seen 40% set 40% 2 pair and 15% top pair and 5% bluffs. I rarely see flush draws being raised.
Semibluffs are ok in certain spots where you have a lot of equity (ie:2 overs and a flush draw) but with weak draws like OESD or Q high flush draws its better imo to just call in position for the most part cause raising is just bloating a pot when ur behind.
Play from position, work hard on your player based reads, and never EVER bluff.
With a full stack with the nuts, rather than reraise and face a call I usually just shove. I get called by top pair every single time and when they fold they have nothing so Im not getting the money anyway. Players at these levels call too much and we want to take advantage of that. If in any way we feel/see/taste that we are behind we immediately slow down and play weak. When we are ahead, fire double fisted until the fucking clip is empty.
I know on the surface this sounds obvious, but it is based very much on the reads you make, reads that will get better the more hands you play.
Example from the other day.
Villain is known to bet with strong hands (ie not JUST check call all the time) and we have AK and a board of 10J2 and fire on the flop and he just calls, turn comes A. We fire again and he shoves. IMO we are way behind almost every time here and have to fold. Sure sometimes we will be folding the best hand but I think most of the time we are beat here to 2 pair or KQ and drawing to at most 5 outs. I folded and he showed KQ.
The thing about this is that it is a perfect card to bluff on at higher limits and you will get better hands to fold but thinking players do not reside at NL10. They have it here like every time. They are very straightforward and its pretty easy to take advantage of players who are straightforward.
If we always fold when we are pretty sure we are behind, then in the long run we make way more money. If we value bet and get called by our opponents and we put them on a draw, by all means value bet the snot out of them and make them pay, but be goddamn ready to fold if they hit, and you KNOW when they hit.
Hope that helps.
Last edited by
johnnie_naked on Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.