by Tyrannic » Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:27 am
Im back at schizzool, and I even went to my 10am class so shit is official. My current plan is to grind like as many dollas as possible b.c. thats just what I do and try not to shoot a bitch if i get set over setted another 5 times or so.
The frat is having mad mixers with em sororitys so hopefully young tyranoob over here can pull some vag and a yarn or two for you boys. On the other hand, hell week and such bs is coming up and thats a cause for concern. Ive got like a month left of schoo and obv this is finals time so everything is hitting the fucking fan. I did clean my room today so thats whats good. Gonna hit the gym after dinner for the first time in like a week, vacation is a killa. Im almost benching all 50 pounds of my body weight so thas good amiright.
and btw I got this email from school sunday night
"Police report that two perpetrators, one of whom displayed a
silver-colored handgun, robbed two victims of a cell phone and cash. The
perpetrators then fled on foot, west down Buffalo Street."
this happened to two of my friends from school. They were on the way to buy some skunk. fking Reefers.