Youre obviously afraid of the ace so lets rewind the hand.
The guy raises that naoorws his hand somwhat especially in full ring.
He calls a reraise. This narrows it further.
OK, onto the flop. Almost nobody leads into the preflop raiser with a set. If he did happen to do it, hes going to reraise the flop all in at least 50% of the time. So leading and then calling makes a set very unlikely.
A2 and A9 are almost never in the standard range based on preflop action.
He could have AJ of course, but why would he open push the turn if he had AJ? Thats pretty stupid. I think theres at least 75% chance he is betting the scare card hoping you cant call.
I think hes more likely to have
[Td] or even
[Jd] than have an ace.
People just dont make bets like this that they know you wont be able to call very often...when they want you to call. If he had AJ or a set he would CRAI almost every time.
PS..I think heros flop raise is sufficient. He only has $58 left after the raise and the pot is $87 when villain calls. No need to go higher than that.