teener, (TEE ner) noun. a 1/16th of an ounce, generally methamphetamine.
syn. 'teenager' or 'teenth'
Sue: I'm so glad we came to O'ahu but I'm so totally shot after missing our connection.
Michael: Me too! I thought I'd shit myself when that dog sniffed my ass at LAX.
Sue. OMG! Is that how you schlepped that teener to O'ahu? In yer ?
Michael: Yup. I hope it's enough for the next 4 days.
hidey-hole (HI dee hole) noun. Refers to a womans's vagina when it is used to stow/stash contraband or other object for transport and concealment. esp. as in example below.
Sue, that dirty lying theiving fuck-nose shikse, puts an Elmer's Glue bottle full of 'clean' urine in her hidey-hole before her weekly drug testing at the methadone clinic.
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