by MecosKing » Fri May 16, 2008 5:07 pm
LOL@CW practicing to get his douchebag av/ban on NWP and win that prop bet. Im gonna assume hes jokin...
Helpful hint tho, ghey bashing / the same sorta jackassery thatll get you in trouble here wont get you banned over there. Id prolly actually go with GTUs suggestion and post bad poker advice instead TBH.
And BTW ED, i was gonna tell sauceman he's got valid distinctions hes pointing out, and I also dont claim my research and sample size are at all comprehensive. My goddam point is that theres definitely arguments to be made that poofter couples adopting are bad for the cheeeeeeeeldren, and I definitely think that this oughta be fought out in court between (which psychiatrist expert witnesses are titer at sophisty, the republican ones or the democrat ones [my $ is on republicans])
Instead, this stupid ruling gave the poofters the strict scrutiny analysis, which conferrs upon them the highest protected class status that this Country has to offer, and thus just about any law that treats them disparately from nonpoofters, no matter HOW many objective considerations may exist for that law, will be per se, unconstitutional. Thus, any laws about gheys adopting children wont even get thier day in court 'on the merits', theyll be dead before theyre even born, and thats bollox imo (i care about the cheeeeeeldren obvobv!). YOU KNOW IM RIGHT AND YOUR USIN THE FACT THAT NO ONE ELSE KNOWS CONLAW / WHAT IM TALKIN ABOUT TO MAKE ME LOOK MORAN NOFAIRh9youetc.etc.
Guess wat tho. i just realized..why havent these state ghey marriage laws gone to the the Big court yet? Even tho marriage is a state institution, wouldnt the rationale (strict scrutiny) create a state/Federal conflict the minute some poofter from cali decides he's gonna put that hes ghey on his application to enlist in the army (to go abroad and buttsecks little boize under the guise of serviniz country obv)? Meh, I guess mebbe not since Fed can just apply its constitutional standards differently if it wants.. but fuggin A, UNIFORMITY PLZ FFS...A ruling like this on a suspect class has far reaching implications....Justice Scalia, save us plz --this one makes it to the Big Court imo. Then again, none of the other ghey marriage laws in the other poofstates have, so mebbe not. Anyays, gg america imo
Last edited by
MecosKing on Fri May 16, 2008 5:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
NorthViewBTP: poor old ED
NorthViewBTP: from gun totin beer swiller
NorthViewBTP: to limp wristed defender of fagdom
Mekos King: NV ignoring
Jimmy BTP: he's ignoring me too
Jimmy BTP: obv fell asleep in his colostomy bag
Jimmy BTP: running shite everywhere
neelguru: I gave up politics when I was 6
neelguru: Im dedicating the rest of my life to getting unstuck