by Stoneburg » Mon Jul 18, 2005 3:30 pm
The second I pick up on him doing this I am re-re-raising all-in with any decent hand, meaning 99+ and AQ+. I don't raise hands worse than that anyway unless stealing (which I wouldn't be doing with him on my left), so basically I'll be all-in the next hand I play.
This would probably be the third hand I played against him, first time I'd fold anything below QQ and AK, second time I'd go "Hmmm...." and fold (hey, it could be a coincidence), third time is the charm. I don't mind the risk since I'd rather bust out than be bullied, since being bullied just means you just bust out slower (thus losing more money than if you bust quick). Besides, if he calls I'm also likely to both double up and get rid of an annoying opponent.