Ok, I'm not much for the datamining that goes on but I have been trying to test it out. I originally did it after reading Excessions article about how he would use it for table selection on Party Poker. Now my questions are these-
1.When I am datamining, should I set up an entirely new PT database just for my mined information. Like set up one that is only for Poker Stars mining and one only for Party Poker mining, ect. ?
2. When is good to start a new data base? Is there a certain number of hands that I should have and then start a new one? When I move up a level should I make that new level a new database?
I guess any suggestions on database management, and any ideas on database management would help me out alot here.
Are some of you minining data at all times? I really don't want to be doing that, so what are some good, general mining tips?
Thanks, DS