by excession » Sat Jan 22, 2005 2:14 pm
lol great poker mind I'm not, but as I'm the resident PT stat geek let me have a go...
first of all I'm not sure were you are getting your nos. from in PT - the easiest way is to click 'more details' and see folds pre-flop, and on flop turn and river - but understand that if is says folds 23% on river is doesn't mean 1 in 4 hands overall, it just means 1 in 4 hands that gets to the river - similarly the WtSD% is went to showdown when saw the flop.
Players who are folding less on each street than average will either be
a) calling stations (if passive post-flop)
b) bluffers/semi bluffers (aggressives) or
c) tighter than normal pre-flop (after all if you only play AA,KK, QQ and AK, stuff free from the blinds and no other starting hands you will have a tiny Vp$iP but are likely be folding less than the average player)
If someone sees a lot of flops you would hope (for his sake) that he folds a lot of them - if he tends to see one more or two more cards and then fold to a bet on the river, he is probably chasing too much. If he tends to fold more in the turn he is probbaly chasing one card too many and reluctant to let go when beaten on the flop.
The problem really is that we have no real DB built for the average pl;ayer, which kind of hamstrings our efforts to spot our own or other's leaks in this area.
Fo instance we can't even agree on optimum Vp$iP for use in the Party $25's- I've seen every figure from 15% - 35% touted.
Ther are basically no guideline stats for this other than your own (which is very dangerous - the assumption that your stats here are the norm is as likely to be wrong as correct - what if you fold too much on a given street (weak-tight) and end up labelling a better player as having a leak becsue he folds less?