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New poster here!

Postby totheace » Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:09 pm

I am a recreational player from NB Canada, playing mostly online and once a month or so throw in a ring game live. Would play more if I had the time. I play a tonne of heads up against a couple of buddies, and would play everyday if it wouldn't mean a divorce! lol. I found this site through a link at one of my favorite blogs at

I have a little site of my own that is mainly a spot for my blog and has a small forum thats yet to get going, but hopefully will get some members and get the ball rolling. I love to discuss poker and watch almost as much as I enjoy playing so having my own little corner of the online poker universe seemed like a logical step! I am in the process of moving my blog over from blogger to my site as we speak.

I am in the process of setting up a small poker league here in Moncton and look forward to that getting underway in the new year. I look forward to being an active participant on this board and look forward to getting to know the users!
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Joined: Thu Nov 24, 2005 10:00 pm
Location: NB, Canada

Postby Rhound50 » Fri Nov 25, 2005 1:20 am

So you you know Tibby huh, you will recongnise him on here by his scary icon LOL. Welcome to BTP.
"Its a pink handbag not backpack damn it." Godlikeroy

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Postby tetsuo » Fri Nov 25, 2005 1:12 pm

Welcome, dude.

The site's performance sucks right now, but we're moving again Sunday 27th Nov, so it'll get a lot better, hopefully.
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