by Ojingo » Tue Jan 17, 2006 11:04 am
one thing about playing AA preflop. If you can get most of your stack in preflop then you always want to do that, since you're a money favourite. The only dim scenario is that someone else has a better AA hand. However, at the lower levels it happens so often that people get crazy with KK hands or less that overall you will make a profit by going allin with AA preflop. You need a very good read not to do this (for example, you play against a good player, you have a really crappy AA hand, the stacks are hugely deep and you know he wouldn't push without a very good AA hand).
If you can't get a large part of your stack in preflop be much more careful. Against more than one opponent you need to have a good flop in order to continue. The worst thing is getting 40% of your stack in preflop and having to fold the flop.
So, there is nothing wrong with limping/calling AA if stack sizes and position dictate that. Especially in EP I will often limp with AA, so that (i) I don't invest a lot of money when I miss the flop and the pot is multiway (ii) I don't give away any strenght and (iii) I can opt to make a massive reraise if someone behind me raises. Again, you don't want to invest a significant portion of your stack when you are out of position the entire hand.