I haven't had time to try the 3 table SnG on UB yet but I am going to soon(I hope I will get the time anyway). I have been playing in a regular weekly private trny though since last September that ends up being the same thing because we average about 30 people each week.
These are different from $30 SnGs in that the pay out is the same but the buy in is only 1/3 the amount so you don't have to cash as often for them to be profitable. After about 40 of these events my ITM is only 22% but my ROI is 40%.
My strategy is to play them like any MTT, I guess. I play pretty tight the first hour and try to double my chips stack. This trny is pretty tight and most of us know each other's play pretty well by now. The second hour I loosen up a little - steal some blinds and take a few more risks to win without a showdown because the blinds are big enough now to make that worth the effort. I can get away with some steals because I am seen as being very tight and not in a hand without the goods. I have learned to use that. (And now they will all know so I will have to change my strategy a little
We are usually down to the final table late in the second hour. There I am very choosy about what pots I enter. I try to steal the blinds when I can and push hard when I think I have the advantage. I am patient, though, at the final table if I'm not too short stacked. Finished third tonight. When we were down to four - 2 of us had about 5000 chips and the other two had about 20000 each. I was shocked when they went after each other - all-in and #2 got knocked out OTM. That hand decided the match, of course, and that is why it happens sometimes. But hey, I was happy with third at that point.
Give them a try and I will do the same - maybe we can get some people to post their responses here.