Here's the situation. $1500 freeroll with 188 players. I played for 4 hours. 21 players left. 20 get paid. Pay structure is as follows.....
1 - $412.50
2 - $255
3 - $172.50
4 - $127.50
5 - $108.75
6 - $86.25
7 - $67
8 - $45
9 - $30
10 - $22.50
11 thru 15 - $18
16 thru 20 - $16.50
I have $12000 left. Blinds are 1000/2000. There is an away player at another table in the BB w/ $2100 left. He will be blinded out of his last $100 next hand.
I pick up QQ UTG. Push or fold? Action below.......
I pushed quickly before I could talk myself out of it. CO calls with AKo and hits his river K. I finish on the bubble at 21st and throw a fit. I pushed because my goal was Top5 and pushing gave me the best chance to accumulate chips with what was probably the best hand at the table.
Question #2. What do you think about his call w/ AK there. I'm not so sure I don't fold. He has about $3000 more than me.