KK with top set against two straights, all-in on the turn.
Pot odds: 22.86%
Equity: 22.2%
Result: Won this break even proposition, +$46.25
Top two + OESD against bottom set, all-in on the flop.
Pot odds: 45%
Equity: 47%
Result: Won this slightly +EV proposition, +$24.48
Flush draw + gutshot against top pair + wrap.
Equity: 47%
Pot odds: 32%
Result: Won this clearly +EV proposition, +$41.59
These hands just made me think about luck and variance. This session was asbsoluetely great, I picked up 10 buyins for a ptBB/100 of 131.6 . Still, it could easily have been an average or even bad session had I lost some or all of these. Even though the plays are all either +EV or pretty much EV neutral, I will only win all three of these about 4.9% of the time. I've been making a killing at $25 PLO my first 5.3k hands, at 28.23ptbb/100, but I have to ask myself... how much of this is positive variance?
I wish there was a program combining PT HH's and two-dimes to calculate your "equity result" of all these sort of hands. That way you'd know how much is luck or bad luck. How much would I have won per hand if I had played them a thousand times (ie: how many Sklansky bucks are they worth). Anyone more mathematically gifted (*cough* Aisthesis *cough*) able to calculate that?
Either way... lucky, lucky, lucky...