by WildBillHickok » Sat Sep 02, 2006 5:40 pm
Ice misread the setup...i didn't be INTO people, it checked around to me on the BUTTON, then i bet.
Blackknit is a semi pro???
Aisthesis makes good points.
An ole strong farmer was working with his tractor one day, and accidentally got his good right arm cut off...everyone makes mistakes. Being the stout man and with good character he was, he drove himself to the fancy hospital in town. They took him to the expert surgeon and the farmer asked him how much it would cost to put his arm back on....oh, about $15000.
$15000!!! the farmer said, that's outrageous! You scam witch doctor!
So he goes to the country doctor and asks him how much...the country doctor says, you poor man, don't worry about the cost, here let me fix it right away. While he was fixing it, he said, oh, i'll charge you only about $1500...and the farmer thought, that's more like it...his arm was fixed and seemed to be fine.
Next day he goes back to the fancy high price expert doctor, and says, hey! I got it fixed for $1500....Here's what i think of you! And he gives his right arm an upper cut motion with his left arm blocking it horizontally at the bicep.
HIs right arm goes flying into the air, with both men watching it fly off.