Full tilt.
Villian is a 26/9/2 or something. Seems to be a good winning player according to Pahud over 700 hands. I have respect for about 5 players on FTP the rest are my friends.
Anyways here is the hand.
Villian limps UTG I make it $10 with JJ in the sb. BB folds villian calls.
Pot is $20ish
Flop :
I lead $20 he flat calls.
Turn is the
(pot $60ish)
I lead $50, he pushes for like $150 more to me
Ok, I thought I was getting floated here. Is he putting me on AK/AQ and pushing me off with 88? Did he limp with AA/KK and let me hang myself? Does he have AK and put me on the same? No way he has QQ cause he doesn't raise the flop...right?
Basically I thought I was getting floated and bluffed... Who calls?
Be glad your opponents refuse to fold; if they didn't, you just might go broke.
(9:00:09 PM) GodlikeRoy: i think you could prolly post total shit for the next 2 years aaaaand like 192 days and you'll still be considered 'posting good' cause of your threads that'll never be seen thread