3/6nl on stars. FR again.
i'm dealt
[Kh] in the BB. and cover both opponents. LP is decent with $626. The CO used to be good, but lately has been playing absolutely awfully. lately being the last few months. I don't know what's going on with him, but he's suddenly become more aggressive, and just can't seem to figure it out. he's 28/8. He's also played the last 10 hands.
LP opens to $24. the CO calls. I reraise to $78. This was probably too small of a reraise here, i think i should have gone to $100, but it's the standard reraise in the 3/6 game after someone goes to $24. I don't know if that makes sense. Anyways, both of them call.
$230 pot comes out
[5c][2d]. I bet out $150. LP folds and the CO raises to $402, leaving himself with $200.
Easy push or easy fold?