Interesting. This is the first time I've used that particular converter. I expected the stack sizes to convert also, and didn't even notice that they hadn't.
I was feeling really good about how this hand went down because I basically stacked the guy. He had
[Tc]. I was happy with my river check/call in particular. I was feeling nervous about where I stood, but decided that his most likely holding was a flush draw. (For me, when I'm nervous about where I stand on the river, I usually throw out a blocking bet. I had to fight that tendency here.) That one good decision made me 40% of a stack.
But the flop and turn bets are weak in retrospect. My only excuse (especially for the flop bet) is that this Party during bonus clearing time, which means everybody is weak-tight and nobody is raising or check/raising against a large field without a monster. I figured even a half pot bet would be enough to tell me if my hand was good against the preflop raiser.
But I 100% agree, turn bet needed to be at least 2/3 pot.
Thanks for the feedback, guys.