by Codax » Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:18 pm
Hand 1:
You didn't bet the flop because you were scared of the ace? If he CR's you know you can fold and there you go. He has reason to believe you have an A remember. Make HIM scared of it! It's very possible he correctly put you on undercard pocket pair and you made no attempt to win the hand. It is not a wasted bet, seeing his reaction to your bet would have given you information for your next few hands. If he calls and checks, represent TPTK on the turn. If he raises, easy fold. If he folds you are given a wealth of info to draw on later.
Hand 2:
Good fold
Up to you if he'd try the squeeze, but you'd be in a hard place when overcards hit and he has position on you
Hand 3:
Be wary when basing your decision on frequency rather than knowing his cards
Most likely raise the flop
Fold when reraised
When you are low on info keep it simple
Don't lose all your chips in haste