Table has gotten 5 handed and I've been card dead and hovering around the double buyin for a while. One new player just joined. I'm on the button with 236T which is starting to look like a good hand, the T being suited and all.. so I limp after the two before me did likewise.
The SB completes but the new player who just posted the BB decides to miniraise, it's called to me who call along... then the SB puts in another miniraise... everyone calls to me so at least I am closing the betting this time... I call.
Flop comes just as I ordered it, 226 rainbow. SB checks, the BB leads out pot size (15), a limper flat calls and I raise it to 75. Both players have 150 and I have them covered, and they both call.
Turn is a 7 making the board rainbow. BB hesitates a few seconds and goes all-in. The limper hesitates a lot longer and then call. I hesitate and call too, but should I?