by Electrolux » Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:28 am
I am in the calling camp.
We know that the call is + EV, since we have direct odds to call 15 in a 96 pot. And we might even extract more if we hit. If we miss we are last to act and can make decisions based on their actions. [Lets say shorty pushes for 37, we get 1:4 if BB folds , we get 1:5 if BB calls, and of course worse if BB pushes]
It is pretty straight forward and since we have the advantage of knowing both what card fell on the turn (i.e. obvious fold if board pairs), and villains actions, we are in a good situation.
If we push here, we take away our advantage of beeing last to act on the turn, and we do not know if it is higher or lower EV. Basically I would have higher variance, without knowing if I have a higher EV.
Hence I would just call
- Mexicans are filthy. I once blew a Mexican. I had diarrhea for a week. Sarah Silverman