Both holdings are very strong hands that I'd want to play for stacks on the flop. As such, I'm going to assume hero is going to play both holdings very aggressively on the flop, making it likely the hand will play heads-up.
So the question of which situation is "stronger / more profitable" comes down to how well each hand performs against a villain's range of hands who is also willing to play for stacks (which of course is villain dependent, but we'll leave that out).
Assuming hero is playing the hand aggressively, I prefer situation
on a
board. There's only two hands the hero is going to be a big dog against: 1) a set and 1) top two-pair with the same low draw. By having the queen blocker against top set in his hand and playing his hand aggressively, hero should be able to reduce the likelihood of a middle or bottom set wanting to play for stacks unless they also have a low draw. The same low draw plus top two pair is so rare that I wouldn't be concerned. The range of hands willing to play for stacks in situation 1 makes it a better spot IMO.
In the 2nd situation,
on a
board hero has bottom two-pair, and a nut-low draw without protection. Without the top set blocker that is more of a concern. Also, the board could pair conterfeiting our bottom two pair and there's no counterfeit protection for the low draw. I would estimate this hand isn't as robust against a villain's range of hands.
But like I said, both hands I'm playing for stacks, so it's something of a moot point. I'm guessing the next step is an OToolkit filter for this situation?