Yeah growlers my bad, i thought it was SH also...but when i say the last thing he puts you on is the nut flush, i meant on the turn, not when the four flush gets there-- i dont see any reason he'd put you on anything on the turn that would be better than 2pair or a set- yeah, players with low AFs call too often and raise too little, but that doesnt mean that they cant find the raise button when they have a set, just because a pretty unlikely 5 card hand got there...low AFs usually mean calling down too often with marginal hands and/or peeling/drawing too often... It doesnt mean that he's gonna check/call a set inna headsup pot because a flushcard came on the turn....
On the river he can put you on the Ac, its not that hard to have the Ac when your the PFR and whatnot-- and i wouldnt like to see a threebet but like redhouse said in a pot this size your gettin a lot of odds to call, and the turn check/call yould be enough for itd be alot easier to lay, its true, but im not a tite enough LHE player to lay that hand even live probably[/quote]