UTG folds, UTG+1 min raises (he's done this all the time, but raised properly with premium hands) MP/Villain calls (35/13/2.3), I call OTB w
[Js]. Small blind folds, Big blinds call.
Flop 17$ - 4 players:
[2h][Jc] Two checks, villain min bets 2$, I raise to 14$, two folds, villain thinks for a little then calls.
Turn 45$ - heads up:
Villain leads for 50$, and has 66$ left behind (I cover).
Push or fold?
I'm mostly scared of 22, possibly KQ and TT, think AA and JJ is less likely.
I thought he might have been on the FD, but find the potsize lead a bit weird. AK / AQ / A2 possibilities maybe?