I usually raise that flop. I probably shouldve have
On the turn I dont think a raise is mandatory. Theres only 2 more 9s left in the deck. I doubt that they both have one. UTG bet the flop and turn into 2 guys so Im pretty sure he as a 9. Wouldnt the button raise the flop with something like A9 to stop me from drawing? It does look like I have a flush draw or JT. I dont think the button has a 9 so I want him to keep chasing whatever hes chasing since hes drawing dead.
Now, the button didnt raises the turn either so I really don tthink he has a 9. Doesnt he have to raise the turn to get more money from me if Im drawing since Im fully stacked?
So if the button doesnt have a 9, how is he calling an all in? He has to know at least one of us has a 9. Hes not calling an all in with something like
[Th], but maybe he'll call a smaller raise since the pot is decent size?
What if the button does have 9 but its a weak one like
[6c] or some crap like that and hes a afraid to raise somewhere? He could have that since the whole table limped in front of him. WIll he call $173 more. What about if I raise enough to put UTG all in which would be a raise to $65ish. Maybe the button would call that with 96s but not call $170.