Opponent is 50/13/33 over 40 hands but up 2 stacks. He's won last 4 hands he's been involved in consecutively (all raised preflop) as well. Here are his results:
Hand 1: PFR 88, flopped top set, picked up a stack
Hand 2: PFR 22, flopped bottom set, no action on flop, showed set
Hand 3: Called PFR, called c-bet on [9c][9s] flop, pot bet turn blank, raiser folded, showed [4c] for the bluff.
Hand 4: Called PFR, c-bet, turn pot bet, checked river with [5s] on [7s][9c]........... board. Opponent only had a set of 7's.
So he's not folding and he's getting slapped with the deck.
Hand 5: 7 handed I'm SB [Qs] with $45.65
50/13 is UTG+1 and raises to $1.75, Button calls, I call
[4s][5s]Pot $5.75
I check, UTG+1 bets pot, Button folds, I c/r all-in for $43.70 total.
Now that I think better of it, am I right that against this type of player I probably only have fold-equity against hands that I crush? But then again, there are only a couple of hands that I don't want to see here: Set obviously and AK with . Everything else, I've got at least 12-14 outs against.
So should I only be c/r'ing all-in here if I want him to and think he will call? Or from what I've seen in the previous hands, should I think he'll call with something like KJ minus, QQ minus as well?