by Notorious_JC » Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:01 pm
While you do know his cards, you still do not KNOW what he'll do, and YOU ARE BEHIND. He could want to go home and say "fuggit", or put you on AK (missed) and call you or shove. I'm definitely CBing here, but giving up if he calls. But that's my Nit side talking here. You do know that betting is the only way for you to win, other than hitting your 6 outs. Another way: are you trying to win pots or win $?
In it's simplest form you make $ betting when you are ahead and fold when you are behind (you know what I mean). If you bet when you KNOW you are behind it's a touchier area, but if you have a read go with the gut. Takes stones, but the great players can do this. If he's exposing his cards, isolate but then bet/raise when you are ahead and fold if not. I think betting when you KNOW you are behind is a risky play with a guy like Tony.
I'm not trying to profess anything, I'm certainly not a "great" player, these are just my thoughts on this hand.
Proud contributing member of the Poker Player's Alliance (PPA)