by gsdavid » Sun Feb 24, 2008 11:39 am
I really don't know what dynamics were at the time or how loose the match has got. I really think that this is a fold because hero has bet all 3 streets on a dry KxxQJ board. I don't think hero is betting river there with less than 2 pair or air. Air could possibly be backdoor club draw or 86 and that is about it. Turn is questionable since I dont know at what frequency hero would double barrel that flop with air or another back draw such as AT or QT or T9. But since villains read is quite limited, I really doubt that he is bluffing there on river. There are only few hands that villain would bluff with(again either back door clubs or 86) and he does know that hero has shown quite a lot of strength. I think raising river is really bad because I don't think we get called by worse nor we fold out better. It is noticable that some people in this thread are not aware of the benefit of turning made hands into bluff, thus they would shove or raise river. This is defiantly not a good spot to do it. Hero can have here a huge strong range and I'm pretty sure villain is not going to CR a hand that he will fold to a push unless he is bluff. In other words, if we suspect he is bluffing we can only call since putting more money in will fold nothing. Given limited information, without any special history, changed dynamics(one of the players tilting or not shoving a hand down for like a hour) i would fold this.