by GlassJoe » Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:44 am
I didn't start this thread to ask for advice (which is usually the case), more to just share my nice run as of late as I have started to focus on SnGs as of late.
I recently started trying to play SnGs over ring games (or limit instead of NL) because I think I just tilt away money at NL or just get impatient (though impatience can still hurt your stack at limit, I'm finding, but tilting is easier to avoid as I tend to give as many bad beats as I take).
Anyway, I started an experiment to try to play four $109 SnGs at a time at Party to see how I'd do. Well, after five tries (20 SnGs), I was up $520, due in large part to one session which had two 1sts and a 3rd. Anyway, after 20, I got ITM 7 times (35%) and a ROI of around 28%, I believe. I decided that was too many and went down to two 109s and one 215. Tried that three times, and after not cashing in any of the 215s, thought I ought to stick with 109s for a while.
So now I'm playing two at a time, or one and either limit, a tourney, what have you. Since playing no more than two at a time, I've played 15 109s and was ITM 8 times, 7 of which were firsts, including my last 3 in a row...woo hoo.
Anyhow, here are my overall 109 numbers:
41 played - 25 out of $, three 3rds, one 2nd, and 12 firsts. That's an ITM of 39% and an ROI of 53%. Of course these numbers are because I've had 7 firsts in my last 15 games, but I am digging it right now. I started doing this almost a week ago, and while I know I can't keep up this pace, I have discovered the secret to winning SnGs. The first, of course, is avoiding suckouts where you're dominating (QQ vs. JJ, AK vs. AQ type stuff), but the main "secret" is winning all your "coinflips." It's amazing how well you can do when you run good at the coinflips. It makes you feel like you're better than you are, I know. In the last two I just won, I must have won my last 5 coinflips in the two games. It all seems so easy when you're catching cards...
Anyhow, just wanted to toot my horn a bit and share my little run. I'm pretty jazzed since two days ago I did my first ever real cashout from PP ($3500), and I've already gotten my BR back over what it was when I cashed, and I haven't even received the check yet. All from an initial $500 deposit, so it's all gravy now. I just hope I can keep my ITMs in the 35-40% range. I know I'll have less 1sts, but I'm going to try to focus on ITMs.